Recent News
fArsi Cheerleader Metaphor // October 29 2013
In which we look at the letters of the Persian alphabet as cheerleaders who come together to form a word/pyramid. This post inspired by my niece, Best Cheerleader Ever!
Redemptive Environmental Science Fiction // October 28 2013
aka “RES Fiction.”
Babak v. bAbak // October 25 2013
My pet peeve: the way people mispronounce “Babak”. Here’s a quick fix, and it leads straight to the fabulous #textingfArsi protocol.
Woo Women (and Men) // October 25 2013
“Language was invented for one reason. To woo. And in that endeavor - laziness will not do.”
Aunt Beetle - xAle suskeh - خاله سوسکه // October 24 2013
A beetle dresses up and goes on the road in search of a husband who won’t beat her.
Paradoxical Commandments in Persian - فرمان های متناقض // October 24 2013
At last! A translation of Kent Keith’s “Paradoxical Commandments” in Persian! Translated with the collaboration of Dr. Razani and Ms. Javadpour.
Say qurbAqe - بگو قورباغه // October 22 2013
My mission in life: To get everyone I meet to say “frog” in Persian.
Persian-English Word Magnet REBOOT // October 22 2013
UPDATE: Thank you to everyone for participating in the Indiegogo Campaign last December. We got up to $3,005!!! Alas, not enough to green light the reboot. Sign up on the form in the sidebar to get on the list for the next campaign. This time we’ll do it right! When we get 300 people signed up who we know want the fabulous magnets - we’ll re-launch. Spread the word! More info on the campaign below. Your feedback welcome!
Magnetic Dry Erase Boards and Wall Panels // October 17 2013
Take your magnets on the road!
Kidney App: قربونت // October 15 2013
Iranians say “Qorbun-e jigaret” a lot, which means “I’m the sacrifice for your liver.” Is this just t’Arof, or are Iranians more likely to be organ donors?
Donating Makes it Happen! // October 15 2013
If you like ajaban, coolzabAn, Citizen Budget Balancing App and other things you find here, you are under no obligation to do anything beyond simply like them. However, if you want to see them continue….if you choose to go one step further and support them…here’s how to do it.
Improvisation: Say “Yes, and…” بداهه گویی // October 12 2013
What happens when you’re looking for a word, and you can’t find it?
You’ve got the Power: extiAr dArid - اختیار دارید // October 11 2013
ِYou’ve got the power! As well as free will. And choice. Take your pick.
qAbel nadAre - قابل ندارد // October 08 2013
Thank you so much for what you just did!
You shouldn’t have!
It’s not worthy of you.
قابل نداردCreativity // October 07 2013
Some tips from Shakespeare to navigate the tension between “proper language use” and anarchy. Leveraging Persian “affixal” qualities to make up new words.
Vine + Twitter + Word Magnets, Oh, My. // October 07 2013
Do you want to have more fun with Persian? By yourself? With the help of the community? You’re in luck! We live in a world of Persian-English Word magnets PLUS social media!
Cyber Fridge // October 07 2013
Subconscious Word Recognition // October 07 2013
The goal of literacy is subconscious word recognition. If, while you read, you can recognize words as a whole without having to analyze them, you’ve achieved literacy! How can we make this happen?
Assimilation Anxiety // October 04 2013
This site was founded by an Iranian+American who suffers, as many Iranian+Americans do, from Assimilation Anxiety. Luckily, the cure is easy!
Two Veins // October 04 2013
Some Iranian terms (a.k.a. slurs) for dual nationality.
What People Are Saying About the Magnets // October 04 2013
Here are some quotes from people who bought the sets back in the day. Please add your comments below!
Meet Ti-Chey // October 01 2013
Ti-Chey, aka toxm-e cheshm, the @coolzabAn avatAr.