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Chain of foods // October 12 2014
There’s this guy I know who says, “it’s all good.”
Is it?
Bad Words and Cussing Contests // December 01 2013
Vsauce asks “Why are Bad Words Bad?” And John Astin wins a cussing contest.
Say qurbAqe - بگو قورباغه // October 22 2013
My mission in life: To get everyone I meet to say “frog” in Persian.
Improvisation: Say “Yes, and…” بداهه گویی // October 12 2013
What happens when you’re looking for a word, and you can’t find it?
You’ve got the Power: extiAr dArid - اختیار دارید // October 11 2013
ِYou’ve got the power! As well as free will. And choice. Take your pick.
qAbel nadAre - قابل ندارد // October 08 2013
Thank you so much for what you just did!
You shouldn’t have!
It’s not worthy of you.
قابل نداردCreativity // October 07 2013
Some tips from Shakespeare to navigate the tension between “proper language use” and anarchy. Leveraging Persian “affixal” qualities to make up new words.
Subconscious Word Recognition // October 07 2013
The goal of literacy is subconscious word recognition. If, while you read, you can recognize words as a whole without having to analyze them, you’ve achieved literacy! How can we make this happen?
Two Veins // October 04 2013
Some Iranian terms (a.k.a. slurs) for dual nationality.
Tu Quoque - You too! - و شما نیز همچنین // June 25 2013
“Tu Quoque” (pronounced too ko kay) means “you also” in Latin.
Word Order - SOV // June 24 2013
Persian word order is different from English in two ways. First, the modifier comes before the word it modifies (“shoes red”). Second, the sentences follow a Subject, Object, Verb (SOV) order. “Sara shoes wore.”
Persian aka fArsi // June 24 2013
You say potato, I say sibzamini.
Let’s get Simorqanized! // June 11 2013
In which we coin a new word to bring together a mythic tale and community organizing.
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