Recent News

  • Kidney App:  قربونت // October 15 2013

    Iranians say “Qorbun-e jigaret” a lot, which means “I’m the sacrifice for your liver.” Is this just t’Arof, or are Iranians more likely to be organ donors?

  • You’ve got the Power:  extiAr dArid - اختیار دارید // October 11 2013

    ِYou’ve got the power!  As well as free will.  And choice.  Take your pick.

  • qAbel nadAre - قابل ندارد // October 08 2013

    Thank you so much for what you just did!
    You shouldn’t have!
    It’s not worthy of you.
    قابل ندارد

  • Meet Ti-Chey // October 01 2013

    Ti-Chey, aka toxm-e cheshm, the @coolzabAn avatAr.

  • Sentences with Pleasantries Magnets // June 24 2013

    Behold, some unworthy sentences we made with the Persian English Word Magnet Pleasantries kit.

  • Pleasantries - تعارف // June 24 2013

    The Pleasantries kit (a.k.a. t’Arof) (a.k.a. تعارف) features over 600 Persian words of desperate supplication and inverted one-upmanship. Millions of possible self-sacrificing sentence combinations. The words are on magnetic word tiles.

  • Persian-English Word Magnets // June 04 2013

    Persian-English Magnetic Word Play kits will help you bond with the Persian (a.k.a. Farsi) language. The kits are fun and educational and spark creativity! They are great for any level of language ability. Each kit has different words chosen around a theme.

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