Making a haft sin wreathe

This year, I decided to try a cross cultural haft sin - just add wreathe.
هفت سین
The haft sin, as you know, means “seven s’s” and refers to the traditional nowruz table set with symbolic objects starting with the Perisan letter s. More about the nowruz tradition here. And more about the alphabet here.
In addition to the seven “s” objects, people add several other objects, explained brilliantly in this infographic via Fig and Quince.
This is my first attempt at a haft sin wreathe. Next year I will plan ahead to gather some senjed branches (also known as oleaster fruit or Russian Olive - apparently a weed in New Jersey!) as well as sumac branches, also cultivated in New Jersey. We would have to get these in the Fall and dry and store them for use in Spring. Branches would take advantage of the “wreathe” medium.
Another elegant touch would be to take a branch of blossoms to weave into the wreathe. The base of this wreathe is grape vines, which evokes grapes, the source of both serkeh (vinegar) and sharAb (wine).
In any case, without further ado, here is my first haft sin wreathe. I hope it inspires you.
Start with the most basic haft sin table. Just the s’s.
Toss in a wreathe.
Attach the objects to the wreathe.
The peacock feathers are not traditional. Just vanity.
Next year, I really must get senjed, aka Russian olive, on the branch
The sumaq (a spice, powder) will spill every time you open the door, so I added a stopper. Next year - we’ll use a branch.
How would we add the sabzi? I went with a little St. Patrick’s day theme
The apple is precariously affixed.
And now for some extras
Can’t very well get a live fish. So here’s a plastic one I had. And the disco ball is supposed to be the mirrors.
And a bunny for Easter? I should add some eggs, too.
And finally, hang it on the front door and confuse your neighbors.
Other things to do next year: In lieu of a book of poetry or the Q’uran, we could select a favorite verse, write it in lovely handwriting, roll it up and tie it to the wreathe. In such a way that you could easily pull it free and read it, then put it back. Message on a wreathe.
Happy Nowruz everyone.