Donating Makes it Happen!

Posted by Rezwan Razani on Oct 15, 2013 at 02:38 PM

If you like ajaban, coolzabAn, Citizen Budget Balancing App and other things you find here, you are under no obligation to do anything beyond simply like them. However, if you want to see them continue….if you choose to go one step further and support them…here’s how to do it.

I love brainstorming, researching and writing ajaban, coolzabAn and the Citizen Budget Balancing App.  But it has taken thousands of hours and thousands of dollars to sustain and it will take thousands more to keep things going and growing.

Keeping ajaban and friends a clean, ad-free reading experience means it’s subsidized by me and by the generous support of readers like you: directly, through donations. So if you find any joy and stimulation in it, please consider a modest donation — however much you can afford.  And if you want to see it grow, donate even more, and invite friends!  Your generosity will make the whole venture warm, effective, fun and sustainable.

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