Sentences with Courtship Magnets

What sentences can you make with the Persian English Word Magnet Courtship kit?
This sentence means: “The picture of the beloved laughs at me.”
Read it right to left, of course, like this: aks-e ma’shuq be man mixandeh.
Here are some sentences made with the خواستگاری - Courtship Kit
bus(e) Asheq rA cheshidam.
I tasted the lover’s kiss.
nAgahAn An qoncheh bA lebAs(e) tang va qerti-esh eshq(e) marA dozdid
Suddenly, that (flower) bud, with her tight and flirtatious clothes, stole my love!
shab resid va u, bi-vafA, raft az injA be donya-ye gonAh
Night arrived and he/she - faithless - went from here to the world of sin.
(Note, the word “gonAh”/“sin” is not in the Courtship kit. My bad. I resourcefully borrowed the word from the Standard/MotedAvel kit. If we ever re-print the courtship kit, we will make sure to have “sin” in here. Why didn’t we include it in the first place? Looking back in the production meeting notes, I see we didn’t want to be accused of encouraging sin with this kit. As if a cheesy magnetic word play kit can lead you to temptation! Um…OK. Just in case, we feel the need to mention here that the ideas expressed in any of the sentences made by these kits and featured on the website do not necessarily reflect those of the kit maker, nor are they meant to endorse any illegal activity or political party. They are simply the coincidental outcome of a random sequence of words! Really. Feel free to use this disclaimer for your own home creations. It’s not me, man. These words just jumbled together that way.)
shekAr-chi(e) xosh-andAm lab(e) daryA loxt shod.
The hunter with the great body got naked by the sea.
berim showhar-estAn bA efat va tur.
Let’s go to “husband-land” with chastity and a veil (aka “net”).
rasul(e) eshq shomA rA entexAb kardeh ast.
The messenger of love has chosen you.
Note: The Language Expert says that rasul can only apply to THE messenger, e.g., the prophet and can’t be used this way.
What do you think?
Don’t like these sentences? Make some of your own! Read sentences made with the Standard Kit! And the Pleasantries kit!
Millions more sentences and soundbites are possible when you: Buy the Courtship kit now!
Also, contribute your own sentences to the Courtship cyber-fridge! Post below or on pinterest and send us a link. You can also post your creations on twitter like I do!